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Regenerative medicine is a new science that’s changing the way the medical industry looks at health and disease. It has had a revolutionary affect on our understanding of aging and the bodies ability to heal.

Non-invasive regenerative therapies have an array of benefits and health solutions that can help people lead a more vibrant life, says Dr. George S. Bittner, who is the Director of Research at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Regenerative medicine has been used in the areas of heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, eye diseases like macular degeneration and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and fractures because it offers a possible solution to many different problems that plague individuals as they age.

In this article we will talk about what Regenerative Medicine offered by is and how it works,


Regenerative Medicine is a relatively new science. The first significant steps toward it happened in the early 90s when scientists discovered the human body had unique cells, called stem cells that could be used to direct tissue regeneration in places like burn victims or people with birth defects.

The discovery of stem cell research led the way for other research on how organ transplant works and ways to replace missing organs with transplants is being tested successfully today. Even though stem cells were the first significant discovery of the new science of Regenerative Medicine, the wide use of stem cell research has only been recently come about.

In 2003 scientists began to use stem cells in heart tissue repair and studies are underway to replace organs with transplants of healthy adult or embryonic stem cells. Also in 2004 researchers reported possible success using a type of stem cell found in umbilical cord blood to generate new heart muscle, although long term study is needed to confirm this.

How Regenerative Medicine works:

Regenerative Medicine is not a single science, but rather an umbrella term that encompasses different fields of research including regenerative medicine and regenerative medicine technologies.

In order for Regenerative medicine to work, it must be able to replicate the natural healing process scientists are trying to duplicate. That is why the science of Regenerative Medicine is working not only in clinical trials but also by proving research on diseases such as heart disease and diabetes that exist in the clinic every day.

The goal of Regenerative Medicine is to use a patient’s own cells and tissues – whether they be their own cells, or buying them from someone else – and grow them into something useful.

The idea is that when organ damage occurs, a healthy version of the organ can be grown outside the body. To do that, scientists need to turn stem cells into stem cells that can make all the cell types of an organ.

With these new stem cells in place, a patient’s own healthy organ tissue will grow and replace their damaged tissues. This process is called tissue engineering. A lot of research is being done by us at to ensure we offer the best services.

Regenerative medicine can help cure many diseases including heart disease and diabetes which cause chronic illness and premature aging. To achieve this, researchers will have to make better use of stem cells, which are the body’s master cells that can be developed into any type of tissue.


More people are living longer and the increased length of life brings with it chronic illnesses and diseases that take a substantial toll on the quality of life. Traditional medicine has not been successful in curing these chronic illnesses or treating them effectively. The new science of Regenerative Medicine has changed that. For more information on this feel free to check out our website, we assure you the best services.